Tips for Working from Home During Lockdown

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Working from home will be different for everyone; you might already have experience working from home or this may be completely new to you. Either way, working from home during this period is a change for all of us and this period of isolation will create a different dynamic with new challenges.

It is so important to take care of your mental health and wellbeing during this time, as well as your colleagues, families and friends. Connection and communication will be critical through this time so keep in touch with your peers and talk to your manager if you’re feeling overwhelmed or lost.

Here are some tips to keep your health, well being and humour in tact while working at home:

  • Remember you are not alone – you may feel disconnected during this time, but know that we are all in this together. If you work in a team, have regular check ins via Zoom, Workplace messenger, or whatever tool you have in your business, keep engaged!

  • Stay in a routine – if you are used to waking up at 7am for an 8.30am start in the office, it may be tempting to stay in bed until 8.20am. Try and stick to your usual routine as much as possible

  • Ensure you have a productive work space if you can. If you are living in a house with multiple people working from home, ensure there are boundaries and guidelines in place with one another to ensure you can all focus

  • You may struggle with motivation and getting your head in a working mind set. We recommend starting your day with some time outside, doing some stretches or going for a walk around the block then when you re-enter your home allow this to be the beginning of your work day, as if you have just arrived at work

  • Do something in the morning to ensure you have a clear head for the day, whether that be putting some washing out, cleaning the kitchen or even just making the bed. By doing something productive around the house in the morning, you are more likely to focus throughout the day and get less distracted by chores

  • Stay active and get fresh air – go for a walk on your lunch break, sit outside with your laptop, do yoga, pilates, whatever works for you, but don’t stop moving

  • Be kind to yourself and watch that Netflix series you have been meaning to watch, or read that book you haven’t had time to start yet. It is important to keep informed about COVID-19, but do not let it consume you

  • It may be hard to find humour in this difficult situation, but it is so important to laugh when you can, look for positives, and celebrate the wines (I mean wins!)

We also understand that there are countless people working through this period as an essential service worker. Please check in with them, and if you are one of those working through, ask for help if you are struggling.

We are all in this together.

Make sure to download our free Working from Home Policy to ensure your company policies, culture and values are being maintained. This includes a Health & Safety checklist for your team members to work safely from home.

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Amy South

Recruitment & HR Partner

People Passion