Employment law changes from April 1 2016
There are a number of changes for employers to action ideally before April 1st including an audit on your pay rates to check you are not paying below the minimum wage of $15.25 per hour. If you need to know more click here http://employment.govt.nz/er/pay/minimumwage/. The Employment Standards Legislation Act has been passed and will come into force on April 1. It amends New Zealand employment law to:
Extend paid parental leave to more workers and increase the flexibility of the scheme
Address issues such as "zero-hour contracts" and other unfair employment practices.
"The Bill eliminates zero hour contracts by getting rid of unfair employment practices where employers do not commit any hours of work, but expect employees to be available when required without compensation."
The Act makes changes to the following legislation:
Employment Relations Act 2000
The Parental Leave and Employment Protection Act 1987
Minimum Wage Act 1983
Holidays Act 2003
Wages Protection Act 1983
If you have any doubts or questions please contact our office 09 299 2525