Hands up who wishes they were at the beach


It’s that time of year where many of us struggle with the reality that holidays are the exception, not the rule. We all benefit from a break from work, but why is it so hard to get back into it, and what can we do to help break the cycle of the new year slump? If this is how you or your staff are feeling, it’s fair to say that you’re not alone, so try to incorporate some tangible and intangible things into your workplace to help everyone ease back into it. 

Goal setting is a great way to start, either as individuals or as a team – this may include planning your next holiday! Encouraging staff to set individual goals for the next 3, 6 and 12 months means they are looking forward not backward to their lazy days on the beach. You may have team activities that you can work toward; nights out at the movies, doing a team event together (like fundraising walks or Around the Bays) or even better a shared picnic lunch on a Friday at a local park – where you get the added bonus of a Vitamin D hit to lift everyone’s spirits.

If your workplace is more formal, this may be a good time of year to implement a casual Friday, or a ‘Tieless Tuesday”, something to help get your employees into a happy, relaxed space. One on one catch ups with your staff are a good idea at this time of year, it gives an opportunity to debrief about their break, while checking in with other stresses they may be carrying. It can be a difficult time for parents if their children are not settling into school, as well as the inevitable school expenses. You can talk about ways to support them.

Encouraging and supporting your staff to take care of themselves and their families makes for a more engaged, positive and productive workforce – which means better service and happy customers.


 Stephanie | People Guru