Job Applicants – are they in the driver’s seat?

CV tip picture Yes… Job offer rejection and withdrawal of applications are on the rise. Right now we’re seeing a lot of new job opportunities and the recruitment market is candidate driven. To attract, recruit and retain top candidates you need to plan, be smart and exceed their expectations! It’s essential you review and update your recruitment processes for an employee-driven market, if time is your enemy, outsource – we’ve had to!

Top 3 reasons why a job offer is being rejected:

  1. They’ve already accepted another job offer
  2. Salary and/or benefits are lower than expected
  3. They’ve changed their minds about switching jobs

So, are you recruiting smart and fast enough?

On average it takes more than three weeks before a typical candidate will receive an offer, with 41% of recruiters saying it can take up to nine weeks before an offer is made. The rising numbers of job offers that are being rejected are after a 2-week period because candidates are provided with the time to research and find other opportunities.

Be smart and fast….

  1. Identify who and what skills you want
  2. Create a new recruitment plan; stick to actions and time frames
  3. Communicate often and honestly with applicants

Do you need help with your recruitment? Give us a call today!
