Are you handling resignations right?

F#$% it, I QUIT!!! This may sound like a simple end to an employment relationship but watch out bosses! There are a number of traps to be wary of, more so if it’s someone you’re happy to see the back of.

Firstly the resignation must be genuine ie; not heat of the moment, holy hell I’ve got to get out of here, throwing their toys out of the cot stuff.

Secondly it must be in writing as well – this too must be without coercion or high emotions running.

Thirdly, you must make reasonable enquiries about the person that has resigned to establish the resignation is genuine.  A good question to ask yourself before accepting a resignation is; are you being a fair and reasonable employer?

If you’re unsure, run your story by us, most importantly always follow up with a letter stating acceptance of their resignation.  This is good practice for all resignations as it sets clear guidelines to end employment.
